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Why does the TV industry fear Periscope?

A long time ago (like a little over a decade), they invented the "Reality Show". Our best guess is that it started with MTV and the Real World. Soon many others followed, but most of these shows were controlled and often somewhat scripted. Now we have Real Real Reality at our disposal. The news station makes you wait until 6PM to hear the weather, but Periscope can show you the live Tornado running through texas LIVE.

Do you wonder if your favorite band's concert is any good, more than likely someone in another town is streaming them live before they hit yours. Who is going to control all of this? We are actually not too sure, but we suspect that not too much will actually happen.

Who will need a news team, when people live all over the world broadcast it for free?

Who will watch TV when.... Well now that the whole world is filled with free broadcasting devices in their pockets, expect some wild changes in media even we cannot predict.

Eventually we predict that many people and their solo act on Periscope, will hold more of an audience than nationally broadcasted shows. In one interesting example, we became aware than even podcasting can be more powerful than TV. Rumor has that Joe Rogan the UFC announce and Comedian, gets more views on his podcast than the UFC gets on their Ultimate Fighter reality show. If this is true, what will Periscope do?

Stand by and we will all find out together. See you on Periscope and be sure to follow us at @imonperiscope1

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